纹路均匀,耐磨性好,使用寿命长 是装修中非常不错的选择
莱姆石,板面有不规则云纹和贝壳 米白色稳定温和,大面积铺设大气简约 可实现光面、亚光面、喷砂面、流水面、自然面、 抽槽、拉槽等多种工艺处理面
以深灰偏棕色为基色,斜纹,富有层次感 版面颜色有明显深浅变化,过渡自然不浮夸 硬度高,油性好,不易吸水
Origin from the water city of Venice, wavy patterns of black and brown, majestic and gorgeous.
With black as the keynote and gold wire as the partition, it gives people a mysterious and noble feeling.
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