California Grey
徐徐之蓝如海阔 点点繁星如奇景 如浩瀚大海激起千层浪 亦如深蓝夜空繁星点点 海纳百川 有容乃大 愿为海之星 只为心中那盏灯 板面油亮,纹理丰富,如同冰封的海面上夹杂着绵密细致的裂痕。
High-grade gray with stable texture
The Cartier board produced in the United States is extremely stable, the color is basically the same, and the transition is very natural. Suitable for large area of the overall laying, the overall decoration effect is very good. Cartier material is very compact, high density, good oil.
As deep and stable as the stars in the night sky
Stable board surface, high hardness
Baishite is a hot new product. The deep coffee color shows the grade and dignity. It has stable surface, controllable color difference, large oiliness and high hardness. It is a rare dark gray stone variety.
Deep gray color, embedded in small pebbles, soft touch, natural style of returning to nature. The process of burning surface can show the artistry of the stone incisively and vividly.
以深灰偏棕色为基色,斜纹,富有层次感 版面颜色有明显深浅变化,过渡自然不浮夸 硬度高,油性好,不易吸水
Origin from the water city of Venice, wavy patterns of black and brown, majestic and gorgeous.
Casper grey
The background color is coffee, the board surface is rich in changes, the oil is high, the luminosity is good, and the white clouds are embedded in it to show their agility in stability
The best of marble. Ivory is gray, lustrous and oily. Coffee color warm and natural, ivory like lines make the layout more detailed and vivid
Green Limestone
The color of Carlo grey background is warm, and the coffee background with fine lines makes the overall feeling delicate and soft.
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