The novel coronavirus pneumonia is a common challenge facing the international community. Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been donated by Shenzhen BST Stone Industry Co., Ltd., after emergency deployment and international transportation. Over 6 5000 disposable masks were donated to cooperative mines in Canada, Italy, Spain, Croatia and other countries with severe new pneumonia. The above mask materials are directly sent to the local person in ge, so as to ensure that the materials are distributed to the most in need in the most timely manner, so as to support the local epidemic prevention and control work with practical measures.

Since March, many foreign countries have been faced with difficulties such as shortage of medical materials, and have made requests for material support to the Chinese government. With the mind of a big country, China hopes that the international community will work together to turn the crisis into an opportunity. At the same time, China is willing to provide support and help as much as possible in response to the urgent needs of foreign countries. It is not only in response to the call of the party and the state, but also to actively demonstrate the company's responsibility when donating masks to foreign countries at the first time.
After receiving the anti epidemic materials, the local partners said: the donation from baishite brought them a strong warmth. While the epidemic situation is still severe, these masks are a timely relief for them. Baishite cares about and supports the cooperative mines with practical actions, which is moving.
China's novel coronavirus pneumonia chairman Xiang Wei said that the crisis needs to help and unite together: "with the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, no country can be single handed. The Chinese government is actively providing assistance to foreign countries. Baishi's point-to-point donation of mask materials is in the hope that through our joint efforts, we will work together to overcome the epidemic situation. "
Shenzhen baishite Stone Industry Co., Ltd. was established in 2005. It is a comprehensive stone industry group integrating mining, stone processing, engineering construction, stone care and large plate wholesale. Relying on its strong strength, the company continuously develops and introduces new varieties of stone materials on the basis of large quantities of raw materials and large plate reserves.

Over the years, dozens of high-quality stone mines have been developed in the United States, Jordan, Greece, Myanmar, Vietnam, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Iran, South Africa, Ethiopia, Croatia, Oman, Brazil, Mexico and other countries and regions. Beijin Beijin beige, California gray, Seine River, alpine snow mountain, pearl ash, Blanca, Cartier and Florence have been introduced There are nearly 100 kinds of self owned stone materials, such as SA grey, Prague grey, Mediterranean grey, ivory grey, Coro grey, white crystal, blue sands, star white, Latu white, Magnolia beige, Swan Castle beige, Xinnuo Beihuang, star Beihuang, paradise, blue sea and blue sky, Nanguo new green, Champs Elysees gold, silk road flower rain, sandalwood snow, etc.

Guarantee the quality and quantity of project stone from the source, devote to bring the world's best stone resources back to China, let China's best stone products go to the world, and truly realize a one-stop service platform from mining resources to customer application.